Are you coming to Formnext? Besuchen Sie uns am Stand von HP 3D Printing.

Hoffmann + Krippner at the formnext 2021

Experience the world of additive manufacturing at Formnext in Frankfurt from November 16 to 19. Visit us at the HP 3D Printing booth D61 | Hall 12.1.

At the HP 3D Printing stand, we will be presenting 3D printed models for electronic housings, IoT sensors, e-scooter charging stations, as well as mobile and weather-resistant outdoor devices with IP protection classes.

New with us: In-Mold Decoration

Input system with in-mold decoration surface

With In-Mold Decoration, we take your input system to a new level: elegant surfaces with a soft-touch feel, high-gloss look or metallic effects that are also protected against external influences. With IMD, we merge plastic parts with decorative design foils to form a single unit. You will look in vain for edges and crevices here. Control elements with in-mold decoration are hygienic, durable and a visual highlight for every application. – More than a digital nameplate

smartphone scans digital nameplate

Simply network added values! is more than just a digital nameplate: HK SYSTEMS makes product identification smart and digital, opening up a whole world of new possibilities in demanding industrial environments. In close cooperation, the partner companies HK SYSTEMS, Hoffmann + Krippner and Connect One have developed a system within the technology network to […]

Subsidiary company ROBIOTIC at LogiMAT

Robiotic Logo and LogiMAT Logo

Our subsidiary ROBIOTIC will present itself together with the companies Solconia and Indutrax at LogiMAT in Stuttgart from March 10-12, 2020. Hall 6 | Booth D-76