
Our product variety at a glance

We find the right solution for every requirement, because we don’t offer off-the-shelf products. Each project is developed and produced individually for our customers and their area of application. To achieve this, we draw on a broad product and technology portfolio: from flexible membrane keypads to complex HMIs and smart operating units. We rely on the “Made in Germany” seal, which is why all production processes are directly accessible at our site in the beautiful Odenwald.

Man operates machine in production

Input Systems

Should you integrate tactile buttons or a touchscreen into your application? Together with you, we determine what requirements are placed on the operating unit and which input technology it can fulfill. After all, the interface between man and machine is the figurehead for the entire application. An appealing design and, above all, intuitive and safe operation will ultimately convince the user of your product.

printed electronics

Printed Electronics

Printed electronic assemblies are flexible, thin and space-saving. Together with you, we develop individual functions for your application. Our printed electronics solutions include printed sensors that are used for measurements of all kinds. Capacitive sensor foils are also a popular alternative to conventional touchscreens. We use screen printing with conductive pastes on various substrates to print your desired electronic application.

Cell phone scans NFC chip


The quick entry into the IoT world. We make your input system or sensor application smart and intelligent. We connect your devices to the Internet using NFC tags or mobile communications. Within our group of companies, we rely on experts for holistic IoT solutions. We implement the IoT device for you, operate the platform, transfer the data to your system and take care of ongoing operations. Gain a competitive advantage by increasing your productivity and offering users new functions.

The right solution for every industry

Our industries are diverse. From medical technology to aerospace, we develop custom input and sensor solutions for our customers.

Note on file naming

To ensure that your files can be transferred and processed by us without any problems, please observe the following instructions:

  1. Avoid spaces: Use underscores (_) or hyphens (-) instead of spaces.
  2. Use dots sparingly: There should be no dots in the name except before the file extension (e.g. .jpg).
  3. Avoid special characters: Characters like &, %, $ and # can cause errors.

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