Product sample

Technologies you can touch

So that you can experience our technologies live, we offer you the opportunity to request free samples. Test our lighting technology, different surface haptics, finishing options and networking possibilities.

Membrane Keypad SideLED Demoboard

Input Systems

Our SideLED demo board shows what can be achieved with LED technology and a sophisticated keyboard design is possible. With SideLEDs (LEDs that shine in from the side), we can illuminate large areas and individual Illuminate buttons homogeneously in different colors. Our keyboard structure on a thin The PCB has a height of only approx. 2.2 mm and therefore requires a shallow installation depth.

For a special feel, we combine embossed key surfaces and frames in this pattern, Gloss embossing and our GT technology. With the so-called Disappearance effect we have integrated a hidden symbolism in the slide surface, which can be activated by pressing a button.

  • Thin keyboard design on printed circuit board
  • Integrated SideLEDs and Top LED
  • Buttons with embossing and GT technology
  • Integrated Disappearance effect
schwarzes Eingabesystem mit vertieften Tastenflächen

In-Mold Decoration Demoboard

Input systems | Connectivity

With our IMD demo board you can convince yourself of an elegant user interface with a pleasant feel, effortless touch function and optimum finger guidance. The high-gloss plastic surface is completely closed and has integrated recessed buttons. Hidden LED windows ensure a minimalist user interface and only become visible when the buttons are pressed.

The capacitive buttons and the slider can be operated with a finger, just like a touchscreen. Additional information can be scanned with a smartphone via the integrated NFC tag in the curvature.

  • Elegant surface look with a pleasant feel
  • Operation via capacitive buttons and a slider
  • Recessed key surfaces for optimal finger guidance
  • Integrated disappearing effect (LED window)
Membrane keypad pattern with NFC technology

Flexible Membrane Keypad

Input systems | Connectivity

We will show you how a simple, flexible membrane keypad can get you started with digitization. We use NFC technology to connect your product to the Internet. To do this, we integrated an NFC tag into the film structure and linked it to our IoT cloud. Simply tap with your smartphone to display individual content such as product specifications and operating instructions. Or you can link your online store for effortless spare parts orders. With, you can integrate new business models and increase the quality of service for your customers.

  • Flexible membrane keypad with integrated NFC tag
  • Connected web app via own IoT cloud
  • Real-time information
  • Statistics available at any time via the cloud platform
Silberne Eingabefront mit kapazitiven Tasten

Capacitive Operating Unit

Input systems | Connectivity

Our capacitive control unit combines function and appearance in one design. Capacitive buttons and a slider are located behind the unusual metal-look foil surface. The glossy key tips ensure an even better feel and optimum finger guidance. The illuminated NFC tag makes this control unit smart and intelligent. Tap with your smartphone to open our web app. Individual content, such as product specifications and operating instructions, can be easily accessed via the connected IoT cloud.

  • Operating front with integrated NFC tag
  • Capacitive buttons and sliders
  • Connected web app via own IoT cloud
  • Real-time information
Sample case with various products from Hoffmann + Krippner

Technology case with consultation appointment

Input systems | Connectivity

Experience our wide range of products in one case! Our technology case contains a variety of samples for different input technologies and networking options. Test our IoT gateway and online barcode scanner alongside illuminated and NFC-enabled membrane keypads, touch systems, enclosure samples, explosion models and membrane sensors.

We will send you our comprehensive technology case at the agreed online consultation appointment. The product samples will be presented to you live during the online meeting

  • Experience products live despite online meeting
  • A variety of product samples in one case
  • Integrated connection cable and power bank
  • Free shipping and returns

Request free samples now

Which technology would you like to test? Please select your product.


SideLED demo board

schwarzes Eingabesystem mit vertieften Tastenflächen

In-Mold Decoration

Membrane keypad pattern with NFC technology

Flexible membrane keypad

Silberne Eingabefront mit kapazitiven Tasten

Capacitive control unit

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