Input system with in-mold decoration surface

New with us: In-Mold Decoration

With In-Mold Decoration, we take your input system to a new level: elegant surfaces in matt, high-gloss or metal look that are also protected against external influences. With IMD, we merge plastic parts with decorative design foils to form a single unit. You will look in vain for edges and crevices here. Control elements with in-mold decoration are hygienic, durable and a visual highlight for every application.

What is in-mold decoration?

Hoffmann + Krippner In-Mold Decoration molded film

With IMD technology, a printed design film is formed under high pressure and then directly back-injected with plastic. The result: plastic and design film merge into a single unit and create an elegant, closed user interface.

We combine this IMD unit with capacitive buttons, sliders or wheels to create a modern HMI with a high-end design and a completely closed surface.

The films are back-printed using screen printing so that the colors and effects remain unchanged even after years of use. You choose your desired look and feel. Depending on the application, the user interface can be printed with a matt, high-gloss or even metal look. Transparent fields for status LEDs or area lighting can also be easily integrated.

Find out more about In-Mold Decoration.

Our IMD demo board will be available soon!

Hoffmann + Krippner In-Mold-Decoration Demonstrator side view
Hoffmann + Krippner In-Mold Decoration Demonstrator Page
Hoffmann + Krippner In-Mold Decoration Demonstrator Front

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