Hettinger Jugendfussball and Hoffmann + Krippner: It’s a match!

We have a long tradition of promoting young talent: we regularly sponsor children’s and youth activities. Among other things, we are currently sponsoring the first and second teams of the FC Hettingen B youth soccer team with new training tops. Shortly before Easter, head coach Georg Müller’s entire team, coach and support staff took the opportunity to visit the company, including a joint photo session: In addition to fun and games, a total of 35 youngsters were able to take a look behind the scenes at H+K and find out about training and study opportunities

Soccer team FC Hettingen dresses up for the company tour at Hoffmann + Krippner

Insights behind the scenes at H+K

A nice mixture of sport, useful information and interesting insights behind the scenes at the company, which was great fun for everyone involved: that is the general conclusion of the visit by theFC Hettingen B youth team to Hoffmann + Krippner. The young people were given an insight into our product world of individual input systems and were also able to find out about training and study opportunities from current trainees and students. In addition to a product exhibition, we organized a company tour with a total of four stations:

  • Electronics production: SMD assembly, solder paste printing and more)
  • Screen printing: Here the young people were able to try out screen printing by hand.
  • Automation: robots and systems that were co-developed by H+K students, among others.
  • Assembly: A membrane keypad in the form of a digital cube was assembled there, and each young person was able to take one home with them.

However, there was also plenty of sporting fun and refreshments for the potential company offspring: a total of three winners of the goal wall shooting competition were awarded prizes. As a token of thanks, Georg Müller presented the H+K representatives with a club pennant, before a meal together rounded off the successful afternoon.

H+K Managing Directors Thomas Grimm and Frank Wahlandt drew a positive conclusion after the successful event: “That was a great afternoon! But we don’t just want to thank our trainees and students who actively helped to organize this event. A big thank you goes especially to all the young people from FC Hettingen who took part: It’s fun to see how interested they were in the career opportunities with us. Qualified young talent from our own region is very important to us! We need precisely these young people and are delighted when they find their way to us!”