Hoffmann + Krippner - Visit Nina Warken

Buchen (30.08.21) – Member of the Bundestag Nina Warken (CDU) visits Hoffmann+Krippner

“I was curious to see what is being produced at Siemensstraße 1 – you often drive past it and don’t know what technologies are being produced here” said Nina Warken, member of the Bundestag, during her visit. Managing Director Ralf Krippner had briefly introduced the company and explained the further development of the technology portfolio from membrane keypads to electronics to touch sensor technology and IoT. Managing Director Stefan Kieser then explained the products on display and led into the company tour, which was accompanied by Eberhard Heck and Thomas Grimm. In the new clean room print shop, screen printing technology was demonstrated on a printed circuit board and touch foils from automotive applications were shown. In the cut area and assembly, the next steps towards the finished product became comprehensible. In any case, MdB Nina Warken and CDU city association chairman Ralf Schäfer are now aware of which products are made at H+K in Siemensstraße.

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